An American Inventor

Scott Douglas Redmond: America's Techno-Laureate is devoted to serving the community and fighting corruption

"Strategic innovator" Scott Douglas Redmond is regularly sought out by corporations, public organizations, government agencies and investors to lead and manage revolutionary projects. Clients come to Scott, and his teams, when they need a novel solution, developed from a big picture perspective, via profound innovation.

Scott Douglas Redmond is known for his ability to visualize, architect and deliver cutting-edge products and project management. If it isn't audacious, the "first-ever" and if it won't improve the whole world, Scott and his collective are not interested in it! Redmond has a unique ability to suss out the subtleties of people and complex processes and see how all of the connections fit together. His predictions of trends and social process is so good that he can see what will happen in technology, society, politics and culture years before it happens. Sometimes his team can even "steer" those trends.
Redmond holds many seminal core patents establishing him as the original inventor who first developed, and deployed, many well known products. Through his ground-breaking innovations and astonishing productivity, he has demonstrated a superhero-like ability to see the big picture and deliver results that tangibly enhance the way people experience their world. His expert skills allow him to see any problem (and all of it's contingencies), understand it, solve it, build the solution and prepare the team to volume-deliver that solution.

Organizations hire Scott to help them deliver paradigm-shift products and services. As a veteran of the "technology wars" , Scott has helped deliver products so revolutionary, that competing corporations tried to shut them down. Every product, though, has dominated it's market and overcome competitor counter-measures due to market demand and product design, in part, managed by Scott Douglas Redmond.

As a subject, he has been covered in extensive newspaper, radio, TV and magazine stories, articles, cover stories and features. His inventions are so forward-thinking, some might even say he designs and "builds the future". Take for example the electronic flight propulsion system that he developed: it allows air vehicles to fly using sustainable energy from a global green energy grid. It may sound extreme, but, according to the U.S. Government, Redmond's patent overcame an established NASA patent when he showed the U.S. Patent Office an actual unit in flight. The core patent for the technology was issued to Redmond exclusively. The technology, called: "ion micro-thrusters", is now in use by aerospace, defense and university projects, globally, for the next generation of space systems. It can be seen in MIT's new space-craft. Many of the modern "UFO's" showing up in the media are not aliens, he says, but state-of-the-art electronic aircraft systems, some using Scott's technology. Many of his products are first perceived as "science fiction" when initially announced, but every single one has eventually become a market leading solution, sold around the globe by his client, or other parties. His product developments and innovations are numerous, diverse and sometimes mind-boggling, and they have all paved the way to deliver a better future.

Modern Safe Living Spaces and Systems -

Some of Redmond's projects have focused on sustainable systems and energy. As with most of his enterprises, his work is at the forefront of  energy trends. Over decades, Redmond has developed a process to rapidly design and build green, zero-net energy, self-powered modern homes. His greater objective is to reduce the toxicity of modern living by up to 75%. One such project is the "NowHouse", a modern, affordable, green and digitally integrated demo home. "The NowHouse" was conceived to give consumers, and builders alike, a fully functional example of the advances that have taken place in home construction," says Redmond. The stylish, modern, high-tech home was designed from safe advanced green and sustainable materials in a highly integrated manner and featured the best digital accoutrements. The first demo was built in the San Francisco Giants Stadium in 2004 and donated to Mayor Gavin Newsom for use by the San Francisco community. The two-story, 2400 square foot structure has since been lifted onto wheels, pushed onto a barge, sailed down the bay to Candlestick Park, hauled across its very own bridge and mounted on a permanent foundation to become the Alice Griffith community center.

Other green projects on Redmond?s resume include an efficient, pre-fabricated, home company he founded and sold, which has been featured in more media than most competitors in the industry. He also co-developed the Better Homes & Gardens "America's Home" project featured as a reality TV series on the Discovery Home Channel. More recently, Redmond was the Project Director for the Green Hill Home Project, a national leading education program for air quality and CO2-reduced homes. The Green Hill Home Project was created for educational seminars, training, media demonstrations and workshops in cities across America and around the world. The project is a showcase, for the public and industry, of the latest building technologies for modern, green and zero-energy living. In another example of innovative leadership, Redmond developed the Nexus Array micro-generation portable energy plant, a small power generation system capable of producing energy around the clock. The Nexus Array system provides a 100% uptime, intermittency-free, integrated power station for the home or neighborhood. It is environmentally friendly and low-maintenance.

Energy Innovation -

Redmond has a long history of expertise in energy science and its practical applications, and takes a proactive approach in helping to set energy policy. He authored the core solid state chemical energy transport patents and secured major grants from the Department of Energy, via congressional commendation, which named Scott's project in the Iraq war bill. Congress hired Scott and his team for millions of dollars of energy systems development to produce America's "energy back-up plan". His patented technologies, which are now being deployed globally in major retail and industrial sales, eliminate the need for environmental toxin-based systems. For one customer group, Redmond developed an innovative, plug-and-play chemical energy solution which is capable of powering a broad range of electricity-based consumer and commercial devices, as well as automotive transport, and eliminates the need for any specialized power delivery infrastructure. Inspired by his public-service ancestry, Redmond has helped pioneer public policy reform in Washington DC and has deployed some of the most potent federal program correction in American history. He is regularly consulted by national media investigators for story background.

In the biggest portion of his Department of Energy work, Redmond was defrauded out of millions of dollars by top government officials. So, with the help of Congress, he sued the Obama Administration multiple times, got the Secretary of Energy and his staff fired, made new federal laws against such corruption, won his remand case and posted all of the corruption evidence in court records and global repositories, forever, so that anybody who tries that kind of corruption again will be caught. His lawyer became the lawyer for the next President of the United States. The legal precedents created by his cases have changed national federal court process for the good of the public. Redmond is neither Democrat or Republican. 'I am a member of the "Anti-Corruptionist Party", he says with a wink.

America's techno-laureate worked on low-cost, modern electric vehicles using a novel patented battery system which has been emulated world-wide. This mix of ingenuity and genuine camaraderie with his fellow humans is what makes Redmond a rare breed. With no fear of failure, he truly exemplifies the saying "If there's a will, there's a way". Yet he remains conscientiously sensitive to his impact and footprint on the world and social dynamics around him.

Inventing Seminal Virtual Reality Holodeck And VR Glasses Technologies -

While the brilliant Nikola Tesla and Leonardo da Vinci are some of Redmond's inspirations to date, he credits his family and traditional upbringing for his socially-conscious work approach. His father, a U. S. Forest Service forest firefighter and ranger, taught him from an early age the value of natural process and how to protect and respect your environment. These values are reflected in Redmond's projects to this day. Redmond got his start as product designer in his parents? garage where he assembled myriad gadgets and began studying the process of inventing things, putting their pieces together and making them work. His parents purchased a small projector on which Redmond could play animated cartoon reels. Redmond taped some wax paper over an empty refrigerator cardboard box, placed the projector inside, and invited the neighborhood kids to sit in his garage and watch the "giant TV". Not surprisingly, the invention was an instant success with the neighborhood children. Even more successful and infinitely more formative was the day a car occupied the garage. Without space for the neighbors to sit and watch the makeshift television, Redmond decided he could make the experience more intimate and intense. He placed the projector outside the box this time, and for a nickel, let the kids one at a time go sit inside the box and experience the cartoon from the inside. The feedback was thrilling and the experience was Redmond's seminal invention which led to his receipt of multiple patents on the technology known as: "virtual reality".

"I realized, the deeper you put people inside media, the more excited they get about it," he says of the experience. Since that moment in early childhood, he never stopped mulling over how to make a box that could also be a movie. This first, rudimentary idea of virtual reality eventually became one of his first patents for the Digital Environment System. Scott Douglas Redmond's multi-patented technology is the core of the Sun Microsystems and University of Illinois CAVE systems, used as military immersion trainers and featured as the "HoloDeck"" on the Star Trek television series. Redmond?s virtual reality patent was also leveraged for Oliver Stone?s "Wild Palms". He was featured on the E! Entertainment TV show about the Oliver Stone movie. In the sci-fi miniseries produced in the early 1990?s, three-dimensional animated images are projected in living rooms around the world and become a new sort of disruptive television. Scott's technology can now be seen in Oculus Rift, Sony Playstation, Google Glass and most every major aerospace, automotive, medical, defense, architectural and engineering firm in the world.

As technology evolved, Redmond realized there were ways to implement the ideas he had visualized or dreamed about. He also discovered that investors would fund the future if they represented worthy objectives that would help improve the world. Redmond pushed his Virtual Reality dreams a step further after seeing the film "Fantastic Voyage". In this 1966 sci-fi story featuring Stephen Boyd and Raquel Welch, a submarine full of scientists is shrunken to microscopic size and then injected into the blood stream of a dying diplomat. The scientists then use lasers and other tools from the inside of the body to save the diplomat and help avert an international crisis. The film inspired Redmond to target his Virtual Reality patents towards scientific objectives. He felt that with enough data, doctors and researchers could simulate and visualize a disease like cancer from the inside of the body and, by computer generated virtual body tests at nano-scale, reach a cure much faster. Thus came the development of simulation technology for cancer efficacy studies. This immersive visualization technology is now used to train surgeons through complex surgeries, and has been employed by large companies to accelerate and improve product design and employee training in fields like farming, retail, and auto and aircraft manufacturing. Natalie Wood's last film: Brainstorm, features technology that Scott built, received federal patents on and that is now in deeper development in military training centers.

A technological and scientific savant, Scott Redmond is a member of that small group of individuals with extraordinary and very specialized cognitive skills (known as "P300 intuitive accelerated"). Redmond has dyslexia and is considered 2e Gifted. Others in the "2e club" with dyslexic "turbo-charging" include Richard Branson; Steve Jobs; Henry Ford; Charles Schwab; Thomas Jefferson; Ted Turner; George Washington; Walt Disney; Leonardo da Vinci; Thomas Edison; and Erin Brokovitch; all of whom have one disability and one "super-power" thanks to their dyslexia. He can't process numbers traditionally so he hires tax services, lawyers and CPA's to produce all of the standard form document needs. He created his own kind of organic math to calculate the kinds of things others use non-organic math for. "There is no such thing as mathematics in nature", says Redmond, "...Math was created by bankers and landlords to quantify bills... you can do most calculations using natural process analysis, symmetry, chaos physics concepts and other organic means..."

One of his clients, fascinated by Redmond's incredible capacity to comprehend and analyze large-scale complex processes, offered to pay for a brain-mapping study. Redmond participated in computerized testing at multiple universities and underwent neuro-scientific testing. The results concluded that he had a type of audio dyslexia about numbers. " I need to see numbers written out or in graphical form", he said, "Almost everyone who has dyslexia has an accompanying "super power"" says Redmond. His "super power" is a very high measured spatial reasoning and rapid perceptual skill sets as measured by university neuro-science experts. Given a good law firm and CPA office to support him and his team, Redmond is unstoppable. Always one step ahead of his competitors, he open-sources some of his technology, to "spank" those competitor's and tech cartel's when they run market blockades against him.

Redmond's cognitive super-abilities and his excellence at problem-solving have allowed him to lead a successful career as a "Venture Solutionist" who helps build products and manage projects for challenging efforts. He boasts an impressive track record for developing technologies, from multiple disciplines, into commercially viable products for industrial, commercial and military uses. Redmond's multi-disciplinary training, education and experience includes the fields of material science, chemistry, electronics, management, systems, networking, intellectual property management, media technologies and applied science. Redmond has become an expert in the life cycle of an idea or startup project. Over his career, he has done it all: generating an initial idea --whether from his own technology or that of others--, securing intellectual property, gathering talent, raising money and developing companies, Redmond has taken dozens of revolutionary companies and products from idea to launch.

Creating The Modern Internet By Inventing Web Movie and Music Distribution -

Utilizing proprietary development methodologies, Redmond and his team deliver projects that few others are able to bring to fruition. "The management of products, projects and businesses from concept to completion is my specialty," he says. Whether the challenge is developing a visionary concept into an artfully designed product, marketing and launching an innovative start-up business, or producing a spectacular experience for several thousand attendees, Redmond seems to find the most novel and productive path to results. He describes his work approach as a partnership with his clients, to which he applies his multi-disciplinary expertise with the objective of designing and delivering the most innovative and efficient solutions. Creativity and productivity mixed with a laser focus on the big picture let him chart the path to success for any concept and create high value for a low cost. This approach seems to work. Over the past decades, Redmond has been at the forefront of sweeping digital media advances like

Scott foresaw that the old global military and university networks could create social evolution if they could get in the hands of every regular person. To accelerate the adoption of this information revolution in the mainstream demographic, Scott designed, built, multi-patented and launched the first internet consumer movie and music downloading company years before Napster, Bittorrent, YouTube, or similar companies even existed. He created the technology in order to excite the public into network participation. It worked! Indeed, any social scientist will tell you that social change has increased many magnitudes, since 1998, because of public internet information connection expansion. The dramatic news cycles and social optimizations in today's news are, in small part, directly connected to Mr. Redmond's push to mainstream the net.

This advance revolutionized the broadcasting industry and Redmond received wide acclaim for his software-based tools. This included Redmond's widely used product: the particle broadcast system, the first all digital web-to-television full-screen, global broadcasting technology. The particle broadcast system breaks data into particles like water and "sprays" them across the internet to be called for as needed and through the fastest path possible was the basis for Bittorrent, Adobe peered Flash, Microsoft Avalanche and similar peered media delivery. His technology is known for being the first design to particulate media for "scatter-and-reassemble" processing in order to effectively alleviate web congestion and provide extensive security.

Redmond invented the digital supply chain and device message broadcast technology, which allows systems to automatically talk to each other. That patent overwrote the patent of a major oil company. He also invented some of the first, and smallest, wearable computers and multi-media PDA's, as well as the first PC-based 360-degree rotational flight simulator. He has produced and launched a vast array of products for clients, ranging in complexity and impact but all focused on launching us into the future.

While remaining productive with inventions and product launches, Redmond tries to devote a portion of his time and income to community service. He manages a family foundation which focuses on three target areas dear to his heart: Education and anti-bully issues, democracy, refugees and medical issues. He has built an internet learning education center for the Children's Garden of California. He also offers workshops on creative visualization for inner city kids where he teaches that everyone has the same superpower as he does and that you simply must focus on it to use it. As co-producer of redevelopment, Redmond helped establish a major public events program for Ft. Mason Center in San Francisco which repurposed the center from military to public use. Redmond volunteers at the local crisis center and has worked with several established non-profit organizations like March of Dimes, American Red Cross, Planetree Health Resource Center, American Cancer Society, Literate Nation and others.

Many Project Types But One Theme -

His projects share a common theme: they are uniquely innovative and they all provide global improvement via improved human experience and structure.  They address social needs with product solutions that are, at least, a paradigm shift more advanced than the current solution. From leading a startup technology company to create a software "app" that enables communication without cellular infrastructure, to establishing a website to support an anti-bullying campaign, to helping motivated parents and educators to use social media to improve literacy, it all ties into a common theme of human experience enhancement.

Solutions for Disasters and Social Crisis -

Redmond produced a number of software apps for emergency social communications and is responsible for producing a software application (App) for the iPhone that enables peer-to-peer mesh networking communication without cellular infrastructure. The App enables the user to send Morse code, voice and image signals to communicate with other users, in a crisis, disaster or refugee situation.

Apple Computer's App Store distributes the App Scott created: Democri-CTM, for iOS devices. Scott was fortunate to have received support calls and help from Steve Jobs, during the rapid-deployment (which broke App processing records at Apple) project, first created for the Japanese Tsunami, and then re-tasked to help refugees worldwide. The New York Times carried an expansive story titled, U.S. Underwrites Internet Detour Around Censors, on how the US government was supporting "mesh network technology, which can transform devices  like cellphones or personal computers to create an invisible wireless web without a centralized hub." That technology was developed by Mr. Redmond. To-date, the U.S. State Department has spent over $200M emulating the Democri-C technology. It is one of the most widely deployed covert and overt communications systems in the world.

The software app is known to have played a role in the democracy reforms globally and it now provides critical communication following natural disasters and emergencies that destroy infrastructure world-wide. The team that designed the Democri-C app under Scott Redmond's direction deserves credit for making a difference by providing alternative ways to promote free speech and reach individuals following natural disasters.

Scott Douglas Redmond has delivered emergency services solutions for logistics, power, communications and supplies for the last decade of hurricanes, tsunami's and earthquakes. On a rapid-deployment basis, he built the stress trauma call center for the last big San Francisco Earthquake in the KQED studios, re-tasking the PBS telethon phone lines.

Website to Fight Bullying in Schools -

Aiding in his support to fight school bullying, Scott Redmond developed a number of websites to provide places where bullied students can talk, report bullying aggression, get support, and find helpful resources. His many online anti-bully sites enable students to share their experiences, expose bullies, and seek help.

Although Redmond's education-related philanthropic websites are not extraordinary, they join an expanding list of sites that offer hope and an outstretched hand to students who desperately need it. Making a difference, however small, still has merits.

Social Media to Improve Literacy -

In another social outreach, Scott Douglas Redmond participated on a forum of educators and lawmakers at the annual meeting of The International Dyslexia Association (IDA) in Chicago. In PR Newswire, IDA reported "...political leaders and world-renowned experts in the fields of education, advocacy, and business held a groundbreaking forum to address the literacy crisis in the United States." As part of that forum, Scott led a motivating discussion on the use of social media in grassroots campaigns.

Scott Redmond has dedicated his career to developing technologies that help people lead better, more flexible and empowered lives, with a focus on productive technology and a respect for fair access. He welcomes the most challenging ideas and thrives on transforming dreams into impressive reality. Over the past 20 years, his projects and inventions have led the way for major influential changes in our technology and society. When asked what makes his projects or approach different, Redmond responds "You can expect the extraordinary!" Based on his track record, whatever Scott Redmond puts his mind to next will, no doubt, be some incredible disruptive solution with extraordinary results."

He has dozens of seminal U.S. Government patents awarded for being 'first-to-invent'. He has produced numerous federal laws and legal precedents for national public-interest matters. Hundreds of innovative products have been developed and built to working status by his team. He has founded dozens of start-up companies that he developed, launched and/or sold. He has raised millions of dollars for charity and community service. Billions of members of the public use technologies first patented and deployed by him. Millions of live attendees have participated in his major events. Scott has received hundreds of letters of reference and commendation. He has executed hundreds of highly effective public programs. Billions of dollars in profits have been made by copy-cats using his patents. He has received multiple White House and Congressional commendations and thousands of positive press clippings and news broadcasts.

Every invention by Scott has been reduced to practice as working product and offered to the VC market as a start-up company.

Scott is are never a "patent troll", a term promoted by Google in order to nay-say inventors that Google thieved technology from, Scott is the federally-confirmed "original practicing inventor". His inventions are so potent that Google, Facebook and Tesla Motors spent tens of millions of dollars on attack bloggers to try to shut them down because those companies, and their oligarch owners, could not compete. He builds a working version of everything he invents and has launched numerous start-ups around them.

His inventions are so seminal and original that Microsoft's team and some of the top billionaires in the world bought them.

Over 20 federal investigations (including anti-trust, RICO, FEC violations, FTC violations, etc.) have been launched by the U.S. Government against parties attacking Scott because his private investigator's exposed those big tech companies IP theft and their anti-competitive tactics.

The senior judicial board of the U.S. Patent Office just ruled that Scott was the original inventor of the core social media architecture in use by Yahoo, Google and Facebook. The Patent Office found that Scott's first build, use, global internet deployment and marketing of online social media technology pre-dated that of Yahoo, Google and Facebook and that the evidence proved that Scott's invention of social media was original, "non-obvious" as a solution (meaning it was seminal) and beat the other's by years. Google and Facebook then pushed their crafty ALICE tactic to try to get it delayed but they got caught in their own schemes. Now we are seeking legal funding to take this opportunity to the next level.

The core patent suite for powering fuel cell and electric vehicles, anywhere in the world, without needing to build any new infrastructure is for sale. Millions of dollars have been invested in this technology by us and our federal partners. It is fully functional and already in use in military and aerospace industries. Scott has offered his patent suite on this technology for sale to the open market.

The core patents and technology for cell-tower-free, peer-to-peer networked, mobile phones is available for sale. This means you have a phone that works anywhere, for free, and is enhanced with laser li-fi fully-functional technology. You can buy this technology from Scott.

Google's and YouTube's Social Transgressions -

Google has spent over thirty million dollars flooding the internet with reprisal character assassination and defamation movies and articles that they had the Gawker, Gizmodo and Jalopnik sleazy tabloid cartel produce in revenge for reporting criminal actions that they engaged in. Now 1.) Federal law enforcement (including FBI, FTC, IRS, EU, et al...); 2) government regulator and 3.) forensic investigations of each of them, and their staff, are expediting their terminations via forensic: tax, accounting, employee abuse, lobbying, FEC, foreign agent, and other investigations, leading to bankruptcy and Congressional hearings for the attackers. Our investigators ceaselessly track every single attack blogger back to the source, cross-search face-track them across every social network, identify their financing source, file charges and enforcement demands, draft FBI 302-form overviews about them and file federal complaints against them.

The WALL STREET JOURNAL has reported that the FTC and the Justice Department are preparing an antitrust investigation of Google. The probe will closely examine Google’s practices related to search, businesses manipulation and information technology.

The WSJ's Brent Kendall and John D. McKinnon, in Washington, DC, have reported that The Justice Department is gearing up for an antitrust investigation of Alphabet Inc.’s Google, a move that could present a major new layer of regulatory scrutiny for the search giant, according to people familiar with the matter.

The department’s antitrust division in recent weeks has been laying the groundwork for the probe, the people said. The Federal Trade Commission, which shares antitrust authority with the department, previously conducted a broad antitrust investigation of Google but closed it in 2013 without taking action, though Google made some voluntary changes to certain business practices.

The FTC and the department have been in talks recently on who would oversee any new antitrust investigation of a leading U.S. tech giant, and the commission agreed to give the Justice Department jurisdiction over Google, the people said.

With turf now settled, the department is preparing to closely examine Google’s business practices related to its search and other businesses, the people said.

It couldn’t immediately be learned whether Google has been contacted by the department. Third-party critics of the search giant, however, already have been in talks with Justice Department officials, some of the people familiar with the matter said.

The campaign to stop the abuse and IP theft of independent technologists has hit stride. The House Judiciary Committee has now announced that it will hold a series of hearings as part of a bipartisan investigation into whether there is enough competition among U.S. technology companies.
"A small number of dominant, unregulated platforms have extraordinary power over commerce, communication, and information online," the Judiciary Committee noted in a news release that included the names of both Democratic and Republican members. "Based on investigative reporting and oversight by international policymakers and enforcers, there are concerns that these platforms have the incentive and ability to harm the competitive process."
"The Antitrust Subcommittee will conduct a top-to-bottom review of the market power held by giant tech platforms. This is the first time Congress has undertaken an investigation into this behavior."
One area of the investigation is likely to be particularly unwelcome among tech executives: The committee said it would look into whether existing antitrust laws and enforcement levels are adequate to address the growing concentration of power in the tech industry.
"Given the growing tide of concentration and consolidation across our economy, it is vital that we investigate the current state of competition in digital markets and the health of the antitrust laws," committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., said in the announcement.
The news comes just as the federal government has reportedly been preparing to ramp up its antitrust oversight of U.S. tech companies amid growing political pressure that has included increasing scrutiny from both parties over potentially criminal abuse by Google, et al.

See some of the investigative news coverage about this includes: ...And another expose' at: ...And another expose' at:
This video shows how the Google Cartel has weaponized the internet against business competitors like us and brought anti-trust violating digital dirty tricks to the lowest level of execution:
If anyone needed more evidence, they could look to the thousands of pages of evidence that Scott's collective filed with the FBI, SEC, FTC, EU and Congress confirming the Google Cartel's thieving, shadow-banning, server manipulating, defamation attacks and monopolism ! Redmond has advised the GAO, FBI, DOJ, Inspector General, Congress the EU, and other entities, in white collar crime investigations. He holds numerous state and federal investigative law enforcement certifications.

Scott has been awarded a federal U.S. patent as seminal inventor, a Congressional Commendation, a federal grant and industry awards for "X-Proccessing" technology for crash reduction safety optimization and dramatic MPG increase technology for vehicles. The technology has been built and is working on the road in multiple consumer and defense environments.

Scott's personal motto, and that of his family foundation, is: "Give 10". He always gives, ten times what he gets, back to the community. He also applies that to attackers like Google, et al. He gives back 10X what they try against him.. and he has lots of journalists, whistle-blowers, mass media publishers and networked average citizens that help him do it.

What's next? "Keep an eye out", says Scott!